
Experience the MAAS Platform's outstanding accomplishments in the mobile app marketing and advertising realm through its proud awards webpage. This curated list of accolades serves as a testament to the platform's expertise in executing exceptional campaigns and achieving remarkable success for its clients.

The awards page contains a comprehensive list of award titles and descriptions. These range from industry-specific awards like the Adgully DIGIXX Awards, Adgully MOBEXX Awards, and MMA Smarties APAC Awards to broader marketing and advertising recognition like the Indian Digital Media Awards and The Maddies Awards.

Diving deeper, the awards are thoughtfully categorized based on different sectors and disciplines, such as food tech, programmatic and performance marketing, media and entertainment, technology, data analytics and optimization, lead generation, mobile advertising excellence, and more. Each award category is accompanied by the winner's name, the award level (gold, silver, or bronze), and the year of recognition.

MAAS Platform itself boasts multiple gold awards across diverse categories, reflecting its unparalleled expertise and success in the dynamic mobile app marketing space.

The impressive list of awards serves as a testament to the MAAS Platform's commitment to excellence and its ability to deliver impactful marketing campaigns for its clients. Discover the platform's versatility as you explore its accomplishments in programmatic advertising, mobile app development, location-based targeting, lead generation, and beyond.

Visitors to the webpage can gain insights into the industry recognition that the MAAS Platform and its clients have achieved. This not only enhances the platform's credibility but also provides potential clients with confidence in their decision to engage with the MAAS Platform for their mobile app marketing needs.

Uncover the MAAS Platform's exceptional success and recognition in the mobile app marketing industry through its awards webpage. The platform's impressive list of accolades showcases its expertise in running remarkable campaigns and achieving success for its clients. Explore their award-winning mobile app marketing solutions now!

MMA Smarties APAC Awards

Geo Targeting
Swiggy (Bronze) 2023
MAAS Platform

ET BE India DigiPlus Awards

Use of Data Analytics/Insight
HealthifyMe (Bronze) 2023
MAAS Platform

ET BE India DigiPlus Awards

Health & Wellness Sector
HealthifyMe (Bronze) 2023
MAAS Platform

Adgully MOBEXX Awards

Mobile Advertising Excellence in In-App Advertising Campaign
Swiggy (Gold) 2022
MAAS Platform

Adgully MOBEXX Awards

Mobile Advertising Excellence in App Install Campaign
HealthifyMe (Gold) 2022
MAAS Platform

Adgully MOBEXX Awards

Best Mobile App for Health & Fitness
HealthifyMe (Gold) 2022
MAAS Platform

Adgully MOBEXX Awards

Mobile Advertising Excellence in Location Based Targeting
Swiggy (Bronze) 2022
MAAS Platform

The Maddies Awards

Lead Generation
HealthifyMe (Silver) 2022
MAAS Platform

The Maddies Awards

Most Effective App for Consumer
Swiggy (Silver) 2022
MAAS Platform

The Maddies Awards

Most Effective App Install Campaign
HealthifyMe (Silver) 2022
MAAS Platform

The Maddies Awards

Location Based Services or Targeting
Swiggy (Bronze) 2022
MAAS Platform

MMA Smarties Indonesia Awards

Lead Generation
McDonald’s (Silver) 2022
MAAS Platform